Olive Soap for Tadelakt
Olive Soap for Tadelakt application

Olive Soap for Tadelakt

Description: Composition: Packaging: Consumption:

Storage advice: Workability:

Olive Soap for Tadelakt is a natural olive oil soap.

Olive oil and potassium hydroxide.

500 gram container, 5 l bucket.


Circumstances: Mixing: Application:

Thinner: Safety advice:


Olive Soap for Tadelakt is used with the application and maintenance of Tierrafino Stone Tadelakt. Soap can also be used to protect and nurture other materials like concrete, Terazzo and wood. In North Africa the soap is also used as body soap, household soap and clothes washing soap. For many people their scent is a real delight and they cannot get enough of it.

•Ready to use
•Specific olive oil soap odour
•Greasy substance
•Ochre/brown in color when wet and transparent after drying

The air- and substrate temperature must be at least 5°C.
For the maintenance of Tadelakt, mix 1 part Soap with 25 parts water. The proportion of soap in the water can be lower at the beginning of the activity, the harder the Tadelakt becomes in the course of the execution, the proportion of soap in the water can be increased.

For the maintenance of Tierrafino Stone Tadelakt, apply a mixture of Soap and water with a brush, sponge or a spray to the surface. Let the mixture be absorbed by the Tadelakt for at least 10 minutes, then wipe the surface dry with hands or with a soft cloth. Do not let Soap dry by itself, it may leave white marks. Clean the spray with luke warm water to avoid blockage.

To protect other materials, the description above can be followed. Water.

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. With induced risk (ceilings) wear safety goggles. For further information consult the Soap Material Safety Data Sheet.

Bucket, stirring stick, brush, sponge or spray, soft cloth.

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